Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Kristen Lavransdatter

So, on Friday, our homeschool group has Literature Club, and the Book for the Month is Kristen Lavransdatter, the Trilogy of Epic Proportions. I am not entirely done with the Book, which is sadly unfortunate. I wish I were for two reasons. 1. so that I can more thoroughly understand and contribute to the discussion, and 2. (more importantly) because I don't really care for the book at all. I don't exactly know why, maybe it's because the apparent "hero" is a jerk-face...could be. Although technically, he's not supposed to be admirable...I guess, just handsome, and I guess you're supposed to get around to liking him and forgiving him eventually...or maybe it's just a "journey" story where the main characters have to become Good...

Anyhow, I really have no interest on reading about a couple who a) sinned gravely, b)went against the customs of their country, c) went rather blatantly about their business as if nothing had happened and are now getting punished for it...but ONLY internally...ugh all this emotional turmoil. Not that I mind that, it's just that nobody seems to be regretting anything.

Anyhow, the biggest problem I have is with Erlend Nikalausson who is the biggest baby and immature jerk ever, and I don't really care too much what happens to him.

The best characters are: Arne (who dies in the first book) and Simon (who is Kristen's Betrothed before Erlend comes along) and Gunnulf (Erlend's Brother who is a priest) and Brother Edvin...


love2learnmom said...

Yeah, that's kind of how I felt about the book. I think it needs to be understood allegorically, but after only one read, I'm not sure if I quite *get* that either. I may try to come to the discussion tomorrow.

Nate said...

Right, I understand that it has some hidden depths that need to be discovered, but really, does she have to do it with such a ridiculous character as Erlend?