First Post of the Sacra Cor Blog takes its name from Alex O'Donnell's T-shirt in "Waking Rose". It's a Black t-shirt, with white lettering (which is why the Blog looks like it does). The shirt is Blunt in message. "Abortion is Mean". Yes, it is. And why shouldn't we say it? Bluntness is not often used. I think it should be thought. Enough of this wishy-washiness. We can no longer say "Well, maybe it's something wrong in some cases, and in the mind, but really it's just this rule." It is Mean, and as Knights (and Ladies for all you female followers) we must defend the innocent and those weaker than ourselves.
Keep a look out for the next Post: Eastern/Western Divide
Personally I find that T-shirt incredibly annoying. It is so...meaningless. Abortion is not mean. Mean = hitting someone for the heck of it. Abortion is MURDER!!!!
just my opinion.
~Lady Victoria
Ah, but murder is mean...
It's the brand of humour/rhetorical device called "understatement", which is to make something sound smaller than it is to make a point.
The thing I like about the t-shirt is that it isn't "wordy" or hard to understand. People debate about whether it's murder, but it's also more, it's mean to the baby, but also to the mother, and you aren't murdering the mother, per se.
I love that message! It's so refreshing!
It points out something about abortion that is often forgotten. How downright silly it is!
Right now when the words "evil" and "wicked" are in danger of wearing out with their overuse the word "mean" might bring the point home.
Also pronouncing something mean blatently questions it's maturity level, and it's time people realize that abortion is NOT mature.
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